The Bible is one of the most revered books in the world. However, insufficient attention is paid to this book in the Russian Orthodox theological tradition. The texts of the Old Testament are little discussed and very often not at all even recommend for reading. But it is precisely the books of the Old Testament, in other words, the Scriptures that Christ and the apostles spoke about that come to the center of attention of those who seek salvation.
With the help of a set of planned educational courses, interviews, pilgrimages, visits to places that many consider holy, we hope to change the situation, increase interest in the Bible, overcome the indecision and perplexity that people sometimes experience when reading Holy Scripture.
Our goal is to help make the biblical text more understandable not only for specialists in biblical studies and clergy, but also for parishioners and those who want to read and understand the Bible. We want to show why it is important to study the Bible, know the biblical names and what is behind them, how to relate the events of the Old Testament time to modern life, what is the place of the Bible in the life of people today.